My littlest man is one year old! Brandon loved the presents, he loved the cake, he loved the wrapping paper, and he
really loved having brand new toys that his brother and sister were not allowed to take from him!

We have plans for this evening, and I rarely let Brandon skip an afternoon nap (unless I'm feeling daring and wacky and decide I want to entertain Satan from 4 to 7 P.M.), so we decided to enjoy the birthday festivities this morning.
We started with presents and breakfast and followed up with cake and ice cream for our morning snack. My children demand snacks around 9:30 A.M., so I thought that sounded like a perfect time to break out Elmo. And he tasted just as good as he looked. Kyle requested Elmo's nose, but I didn't feel like carving the nose out of the center of the cake, so we just worked our way in from one side--he can eat the nose tomorrow.

Anyway, it was a lovely, laidback birthday for my little man. If I've learned one thing as a mother it's that babies do not care about their first birthdays. A cake and pictures are required for posterity so that someday when Brandon is a teenager he won't insist that I don't love him because I didn't even have a first birthday party for him, but the baby won't actually remember a thing. A little wrapping paper and a chocolate cake do, in fact, make a party.
Happy Birthday, Baby!
What a mess!!! xxxxxooooo
Yay! Happy Birthday! You're so completely right about the first birthday party thing. I have so many friends that went all out for their kids' parties. We had cupcakes during playgroup (which happened to meet on her birthday). J was working from home that day, so he was there, too. We opened presents, too, and that was it!
The Elmo cake is awesome, btw. Your cake kung-fu is superior to mine, for sure!
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