Thursday, April 30, 2009

Enough. With. The. Snow.

Dear Newfoundland,

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that snow is neither necessary nor appreciated on the last day of April. Perhaps you find it amusing to tease me with 60-degree weather one day and then rain down a cute little sprinkling of snow only four days later, but I am not amused. I don't care to be your April Fool.

My husband refused to let me hide in my bed this morning, hibernating, while he stayed home to wrangle children instead of going to work, so I decided it was time for a letter of complaint.

This cannot go on! It's only 30 degrees out there, and my babies miss their sandbox and their miniscule slide. The newly-sprouted crocuses are having a fit! It's really not fair. If you don't care about me, think about the babies and the flowers.

I know what you're capable of in the weather department, Newfoundland. I really do. I've heard the stories and seen the pictures. I have witnessed the gale-force winds firsthand. You have made your point about winter.

Now please let me see the beautiful Spring and Summer I have also heard tales of. No one likes a tease. I request that you refrain from all further displays of Winter until no earlier than November.

Thank you for your time.

Respectfully, Pleadingly & Sincerely Yours Until the Tiger Deems Otherwise,

P.S. Tomorrow is May 1st, just in case you forgot. No one wants to see snow in May. Really.

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