I have trouble thinking of things to blog about on Thursdays. Maybe it's the McDonald's lunch? The quarter pounder and fries that drain my energy? Or perhaps the chaos that ensues every week when it's time to put everyone's shoes and coats on when the kids just want to whine and struggle and disappear into the PlayPlace? Whatever it is, I have generally run out of blogging energy by Thursday of each week.
I'm thinking about stealing an idea from my friend Staci's blog. Every Sunday she does a Silent Sunday blog post with pictures of her family, and I really look forward to her photos every week. I think I'll do mine on Thursday, and I doubt that mine will be silent--since silence is virtually impossible for me--but dedicating one post a week to pictures is a great idea. Everyone needs a pick-me-up on a Thursday, right? I think it would force me to do a better job of capturing fun and random photos of my kids. I realized this week that I hadn't really broken out my camera since we got back from our vacation.
I'm thinking about stealing an idea from my friend Staci's blog. Every Sunday she does a Silent Sunday blog post with pictures of her family, and I really look forward to her photos every week. I think I'll do mine on Thursday, and I doubt that mine will be silent--since silence is virtually impossible for me--but dedicating one post a week to pictures is a great idea. Everyone needs a pick-me-up on a Thursday, right? I think it would force me to do a better job of capturing fun and random photos of my kids. I realized this week that I hadn't really broken out my camera since we got back from our vacation.
My big boy
Princess Brandon Goofball
My beautiful girl
I love the picture posts.
My babies are beautiful! I miss you all so very much! xxxxxooooo
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