Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A sad week

My heart has been very heavy for the past several days. An acquaintance back in Sugar Land, a fellow mom from my beloved moms' group, lost her 4-month-old baby girl to SIDS on Friday. This mom is now living her worst nightmare, my worst nightmare. The memorial service and wake are being held this afternoon, and the moms are turning out in full force to show their love and support and to fill the grieving family's freezer with enough meals for a month.

I'm heartsick for this mother that will never know her daughter as a little girl or as an adult. I'm anxious for my friends who are pregnant or have newborns and are now dealing with the panic only a worried mother can feel. I'm frustrated that my friends are troubled and I'm not there to help them. I'm grateful for the health of my own children but reminded that we have no choice in this life but to live for today because we don't ever know what tomorrow will bring. And I'm proud to be a part of this community of mothers that will not allow another mother to suffer alone.

I may physically be in Newfoundland, but my heart is in Sugar Land today.

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