Friday, March 13, 2009

Offshore tragedy

Friends and I were horrified yesterday morning to hear that a helicopter carrying 18 oil workers had gone down in the sea not far from St. John's. Early information seemed hopeful that survivors would be recovered, and one survivor was, in fact, brought to St. John's soon after yesterday's accident. However, the 24-hour window has now passed, and it's unlikely that any more survivors will be found.

These helicopters are the primary means of transporting workers between St. John's and the oil rigs and platforms not far from here in the North Atlantic. Everyone on board these flights has received serious survival training and is required to wear a survival suit in the event that this kind of accident occurs. Shaun has even had the training, though he's yet to take a trip offshore.

Everyone in Newfoundland will be affected by this tragedy in some way. If you don't work in the oil industry yourself, you at least have a loved one who does. Even I had a few moments of panic yesterday on behalf of a friend whose husband is offshore right now. My thoughts are with all the friends and families of those missing at sea right now and with those who have family members offshore who are trying to get home.

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