Sunday, February 1, 2009

Rearranging the furniture

Like the new digs? I decided to try on a little pink in honor of Valentine's Day in a couple of weeks.

Changing the background on my blog is my computerized version of rearranging the furniture. The house we live in right now is a little small for our Texas-sized furniture, so there's not much room for rearranging. I think I inherited the urge to rearrange furniture from my mother. Every time I go home for a visit all of the furniture in my parents' house is in a different layout from the previous time. Some of the most exciting days in my childhood were when I'd come home from school and find all the furniture out of place, my mother dusting everything and looking around trying to imagine what the room would look like with the couch over 'there' and the chairs over 'here'. Sometimes she'd even rearranged my room, and I always felt so special because my mom had been spending time in my room trying to decide where my desk could go and where my bed would look good.

Now it seems strange to me that for being such a child of habit, a child who couldn't handle a trip to the doctor's office without a three-day warning, a child who even as a teenager would have a meltdown at the notion of an unscheduled stop at the grocery store, I loved having the furniture in the house relocated. But I'll save that self-analysis for another day.

Anyway, I'm dedicating this background change to you, Mom. :) And I'm wishing everyone a Happy February! If you decide you feel like rearranging your own electronic furniture you should visit the site Very cute stuff, indeed.

1 comment:

mommompoppop said...

Thank you, Daughter Dearest! I appreciate the kudos! By the way, I just rearranged the living room furniture weekend before last! It looks great if I do say so myself. I'll take a picture . . .
Love you and miss you much!