On Sunday I thought I heard it a couple of times, but on Monday he was definitely Ma-Ma-ing all over the place. I love it! It's like a little tug on my heart every time he says it. I guess he decided to hold out on me for so long so that it would mean that much more to me when it happened.
Brandon and I actually had a nice little conversation on Monday afternoon. He was standing next to the couch and toppled over in that typically random way babies tend to just topple over in the middle of doing nothing. When he landed he just barely bumped his head on the floor, but here's how our discussion went:
Brandon: "Muh-muh? Muh-muh?"
Me: "Yes, Baby? Are you okay?"
Brandon: *crawls over to me and pats my leg* "Muh-muh?"
Me: *scoops baby up off floor and kisses head* "Aww, did you bump your head?"
Brandon: "Yah."
Me: "And you needed a kiss from your Mommy to make it all better?"
Brandon: *gazes at me in wonder* "Da-da? Da-da."
Me: "Figures. Well, my kisses are just going to have to be enough until Daddy gets home from work."
You gotta love it!
Hey, Eva just started calling me Mama on Wednesday! It's such an awesome feeling. I'm constantly trying to get her to say it. Yay, Brandon!
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