Monday, May 4, 2009

Here we go again

Another week, another ear infection. So goes the story of my life. I'm getting quite annoyed at being the mother of one of these kids that have one ear infection after another. I've been on more doctor's visits with Brandon in his thirteen months of existence than I have with both of the other two combined in over four years. And Brandon is such an easy kid to be around when he's healthy that the fusiness is heartbreaking when he doesn't feel well.

We finally got in to see an ENT on April 24th, after a short little wait of about a month. Wouldn't you know that Brandon has been totally healthy for almost this entire month? He ears were free and clear of all fluid, and he was entirely happy the day we saw the ENT. And the next day he woke up with a cold. We were about a week into this cold when Brandon developed a fever yesterday. Here we go again. This is the pattern. First a cold, then a fever, then a hastily squeezed-in trip to the doctor, only to be told that Brandon has another ear infection. Then come the antibiotics. Lovely. And then another trip to the doctor to see if the fluid in his ears went away or if it didn't.

It's all very exciting stuff. Imagine the anticipation. Will he or won't he have to endure another course of antibiotics?

In addition, the regular ENT was on vacation today and the partner we got in to see appeared to be older than dirt, the only appointment time was right when Kyle needed to be picked up from school, and Natalie insisted that she was not going to take Brandon to the doctor because he would cry. Fun stuff.

At least there was no more vomit. Like I said, people, it's the little things that count.

1 comment:

mommompoppop said...

I feel for you, Baby Girl! Brian was in and out of the doctors' at least once a month for the first year of his life. Give my baby B a big hug. Love you all and miss you all sooooo much! xxxxxooooo