Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Our first snow day

I was so excited before going to bed last night because several days ago the forecast predicted we'd be getting 25 to 35 centimeters of snow overnight. Over the last few days they had changed the forecast to say we'd only be getting about 10 centimeters, but I was still looking forward to it. Ten centimeters on top of the 8 inches of snow we already had was going to be impressive! But then the alarm went off at 6:15 this morning, and I was startled by the fact that I hadn't heard any snowplows. What was going on? I ran to the window, and there was no snow! No extra snow, anyway. I was a little disappointed.

We went about our usual morning business until Shaun called me from work. He'd been listening to the radio on his drive in, and the morning show said that all the schools in the St. John's metro area were closed due to impending weather. How scary does that sound? Impending weather. Awesome! Oh wait. Does that mean Kyle is staying home from school, and our playgroup is cancelled? Darn. It's going to be like a Saturday but I won't be able to go outside. And Shaun won't be home. Kyle's first response when I told him that today was going to be a snow day was, 'Yeah! So I can stay home and play games all day?' The boy must have been born knowing what a snow day entails.

Now it's 4:30 p.m., and we had quite a bit of snow and wind today. I couldn't tell you how much snow since it was all blowing around. I just know there are some spots where I can see grass now, and then there are other spots where there are three-foot-high drifts. And now it has warmed up to a freakishly high 40F outside, so all this lovely snow is going to melt, compact, and refreeze into solid blocks of ice by tomorrow morning. And they're calling for 100 mile per hour winds tonight. There's even a wind warning. I can't imagine what that's going to be like. We've had some nasty wind here in the past, but there's never been a warning. It should be interesting to see what the wind is like when they have to warn you about it. Cross your fingers that we don't all blow away tonight!

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