Friday, January 2, 2009

Neat freak

January is here! And so are all my usual January-type impulses to exercise, organize, clean up, throw out, and label. It's almost like I become an enhanced version of myself (with the exercise thing thrown in since the normal me would never exercise) for a couple of weeks, since we all know that I'm always a bit of a control freak and enjoy labelling and organizing things a little bit more than the average girl. I even took down all the Christmas decorations and the tree today. I was planning to leave it all up for another week, but I just couldn't do it. The playroom drawers and boxes are labelled, and all the new toys have their own spots. I bought a new shoe storage rack for my bedroom closet.

Next on my list are switching out everyone's clothing (this seems to be an endless task with three little kids--someone's always outgrowing one size or another), decorating the basement bathroom (I know, I know, we moved in 6 months ago, but I just couldn't bring myself to face the fourth bathroom after dealing with the other three), organizing all the closets in the house, and a ton of other things that I totally intend to get done before we go to Florida in February. Oh yeah, and exercising while I'm doing it all. I swear.

I figure I need to take advantage of this urge to clean and organize (and exercise) while it lasts because burnout cannot be far off. It never is. We'll see if I can manage to ride this wave of energy until the end of January. If not, at least the Christmas decorations have been put away and my shoes finally have a place to rest.

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