I've been doing a little mommy math, and my typical week includes, at a minimum, the following:
Seatbelts buckled/unbuckled = 170.
School-related buckling makes up 134 of these seatbelt interactions. If I add in one trip to the grocery store, a ballet lesson, one Little Gym class, and one playgroup that number goes up to 170. Those numbers include my own seatbelt, but do not include an adjustment for the fact that Brandon and Natalie are both still in five-point harnesses, therefore requiring three separate buckling actions per seating. The number does allow for the fact that any one child over the age of five is buckling their own seatbelt, therefore excusing me from the duty.
This number does not include any extra excursions. If doctor's appointments, birthday parties, or trips to Wal-Mart arise the number only increases. If we decide to leave the house as a family to either go out to dinner or sightsee the number will also increase, but the amount by which it increases varies depending on how slowly I get ready to leave the house, possibly forcing Shaun to do all the seatbelting.
This buckling number also doesn't include a difficulty factor for when children are squirming, crying, carrying backpacks, or wearing snowpants.
It does not allow for weather.
In any given week I buckle or unbuckle at least 170 seatbelts. If I were to adjust this number for five-point harnesses, extra activities, and just sheer difficulty it would have to be close to 300. Is it any wonder that I shudder at the thought of afterschool activities?!
You've never known a time when seatbelts were optional! It was so much easier, albeit more dangerous, when you were a kid! Miss you and all your seatbelt-ee's! xxxxxooooo
what's up with "your comment has been saved and will be visible after blog owner approval"?? I have to be approved by my daughter?? uh-oh . . . I may be in trouble . . . :-)
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